Saturday, 9 May 2015

My research proposal and justification.

My research will focus on the questions about flipped learning that my literature review did not answer. Those questions will include:

  • What is the level of ownership students have over their learning at the present time.
  • The  flipped model from a student perspective. What is the student response to the idea of flipped learning?
  • What is the impact of  a flipped unit of work on their learning?
  • Are reluctant learners  engaged by the flipped learning model?

My Community Engagement Plan:

  1. The community will be surveyed to ascertain their initial response to the flipped classroom.  
  2. The flipped unit will be implemented.  It will be based on a written text study and incorporate active, collaborative tasks and tricky questions.
  3. Quantitative data will be collected about how many students accessed the out of class resources and how often.
  4. Quantitative data on will also be collected on the final essay assessment.
  5. Qualitative data through student interviews will be collected to ascertain how useful the students found the flipped unit and how engaged they were in their learning.
  6. Observation will be made by an external auditor (another teacher) to ascertain how engaged the students were in class.  This audit may focus on a specific group of students.


  1. Have you asked permission of the whanau for the students to participate in this research? Have you have a hui? The students are young. What I learned from my Maori research methods paper was that community meetings were essential prior to any research taking place

    1. That process would open the way to building a community of people interested in, and contributing to, the learning of their children. An exciting concept - for parents, teachers and students. The exciting aspect of the flipped classroom is it makes the content visible - whanau can share in their children's learning.

      Thank you for your comment.

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